Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby I was born to shit

Did you know there's a form of animals called Deuterostomes which develop, in their cellular stage, asshole first? Man they've got life ass-backwards. 
Speaking of Butts, here's an extremely relevant comic by dopeass (Pun intended, biatch.)  Johnny Ryan

Anyway, Here's a picture of a deuterostome under a microscope: 

Considering what type of animal it is, its title seems like a slam on Deuteronomy, something which I have no knowledge about. (Is this how tabloids are written?) I will reluctantly refer you to the Wikipedia article linked in above.

Anyway, I'm only concerned with DUDE-r-onomy. 
Note: I quickly looked this up. It is fucking for real.

"Every new mailing list signup receives complementary D-Bag diploma and Hackey-Sack"

Oh man.

When I'm at the gates of the inferno, I want this guy to be there so he can say "Dude, you're going to Hell." And I would be like "I was WONDERING what happened to you!" I'd realize I was in hell because it has super bad wi-fi and I wouldn't be able to blog about it. 
Which reminds me: how come no one has made a stupid comic about someone trying to get cell phone service in hell? I just farted and it smelled like my dog's fart. I think I know what it'll be like.

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