Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's Party Time

There's nothing like whiling away the hours in an extremely fragile emotional state by watching this on a loop.

Anyway, as of late I've been working on compiling a wet dream dictionary. The first entry is on Aardvark, (sex with). I've been writing mostly with a Pen15 I got from OfficeMax. 

The other day I came out of the shower with a towel swirled around the top of my head to dry my hair. My dad asked me if I was going to school like that, and I said no and that I was calling in Sikh. Unfortunately, the whole "Towel Head" joke is probably pretty tasteless. But that's not what I was going for. If y'all can't jive with that, fuck y'all.

(My future son/ symbolic retribution)

Have a great weekend, erbody.

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